From time to time do not eat healthful - Living - Fashion-嚴明上將海角七號
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infrequently into the kitchen for people who want to distinguish burdock and yams , is a big thing people head. At first glance from the outside, both rough long, yellow Dry, a bit like a straight thick branches like. In fact, relatively slender burdock, yam looks like a skinny version; burdock smooth surface, while the yam is with fine hairs. Also, do not cut burdock with mucus, cut with black.

burdock harvest twice a year , winter summer spring autumn harvest, the end of July before the summer is fresh burdock seasonal season.

Although burdock Soil Chouchou look, but in reality is hidden. Since ancient times, burdock is a medicinal and edible vegetables, Li called "cut Amoy as vegetable seedlings, take root boiled, exposure to breast, cloud its benefits to the people", "Compendium of Materia Medica" and set out its "pass twelve meridians, In addition to the five internal organs foul smells ";" doctors do not record "called" Jiufu light-resistant old. "

most particularly, burdock There is also a very special ingredient called "inulin" can promote hormonal secretion, helps the body muscles developed, enhance physical useful role. Very popular in Japan, edible burdock, and always with the "health, health" equate, usually fried burdock, burdock cut filaments, add soy sauce and sugar, fried foods,PRADA小包, eating up a little nutty.

fact, changing eating burdock , made the most common dish. Cut wire, a hot iron, sugar, salt and sesame oil and mix well, sprinkle with sesame seeds can be eaten when,PRADA小包, can be coupled with wire lettuce, shredded carrot together the most suitable for summer. In Guangdong, people like to use burdock soup, add bones, meat or chicken, because there are shares burdock special taste, so soup is usually coupled with a carrot, burdock can neutralize the taste, and bring sweet flavor.

addition, burdock skin contains a lot of nutrients, but also very thin, just to wash burdock soup, salad or other if done using the knife gently scrape or scrub with a coarse cloth are also available.

burdock not only looks like a yam, Even temper a bit like, as long as exposure to air will be oxidized to dark brown. Therefore, the best chopped burdock into 清水中浸泡 immediately, or you can drip a few drops of white vinegar, one to make the color more white burdock, burdock and secondly to retain their own special aroma.

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