Beijing palace of a feudal prince Jing Department store retail department stores.-余水知歡民宿Beijing palace of a feudal prince Jing Department Store (Group) Limited by Share Ltd, referred to as the "palace of a feudal prince Jing Department", is the predecessor of the renowned Chinese and foreign, new China's first shop, Beijing department store, founded in 1955. The company after fifty years of pioneering and innovative development, has now become the focus of one of the largest retail group in the department store business development, is also listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange listing Corporation.

the company formed in 1991 1993 restructuring joint-stock group, completed in 1994, the social public offering after listing on the Shanghai stock exchange, in 1997 joined the Beijing Enterprises Holdings Limited to become a member of the red chips. To achieve the strategic reorganization of assets in 2000 September with the Dongan group, one of Beijing's biggest retail group. In 2004, the ranks of the national 20 large-scale circulation enterprises company selected key to foster the national Ministry of commerce.

facing imminent fierce competition and international retail giants, since 1996, companies began to promote the development of department stores nationwide, implemented by local enterprises to the national enterprises, changing from haplotype enterprises to chain, scale, diversified enterprise group. By the end of 2008, Wang Fu Jing Department Store Group total assets of 6200000000 yuan, sales exceeded 12000000000 yuan. Today,lv包包, Wang Fu Jing Department owns has opened and the upcoming opening of the large department stores include: Beijing department store, Beijing Dongan market, Beijing Changan shopping malls, Beijing shopping mall, Guangzhou palace Jing, Wuhan, Chengdu Wang Fu Jing, Wang Fu Jing Wang Dan 1, Baotou No. 2 shop, Chongqing palace rice 1, 2 shop, Nanning rice, rice, Hohhot palace palace palace, Luoyang palace Changsha rice rice,lv包包, rice, Xining Palace Urumqi palace, Taiyuan palace, Kunming rice rice rice,Beijing palace of a feudal prince Jing Department store retail department stores., rice, Lanzhou Palace palace. A "palace of a feudal prince Jing Department" is the common name of the group company has a chain scale will become the standard bearer of China's retail industry.

tomorrow will take more firm, Wang Dan robust pace, toward the new goal of forging ahead.

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